Character is Like

Character is Like
Character is Like a Book!It Takes Seconds to BurnBut it Takes years to PrintSo Print it Carefully&NEVER Let It Burn.GM

Jan, 16 2012     118 chars (1 sms)     844 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

Everyone is good to you,till you expect nothing from them..!And you are too Good to them only till u fulfill their expectations.!Good Mng
Two aspects of life If we become too sentimental its too hard to lead life n If we become too practical its too tough to maintain relation.GD MRNG
Life is like a FLUTE..It may have several Holes & Emptiness,But if we work on it,The same Holes & Emptiness produce Magical Melodies.GD MRNG
Sun cant come2 earth but send love as rays.Cloud cant come 2 river but send love as rain.I cant come 2 U but can send my care as msg to "U".gd mrng
"Whom U Dnt Need 2day, U'll NeedThem 2morrow. Whom U Reject 2day,Wil Never Again Accept U 2morrow" So Value D relationship.GD MRNG
A Grt Thought:I asked GOD to give me everything so that I can enjoy Life.He smiled n replied-"I have given u Life to enjoy everything."GD MRNG
If you want to be the happiest person in the world, engage yourself in the most busiest work" Good Morning.
When Flood comes, the Fish eat Ants,When water dries, the Ants eat Fish.Fate gives chance to everyone.Just have to wait for our turn..GM
God planted a seed of faith in our hearts, so all we had to do is water it with prayers, fertilize it with words of God and cultivate it with lots of love.good morning
"24 sweet hrs make 1 sweet day"!! "7 sweet days make 1 sweet week"!! "4 sweet week make 1 sweet month"!! but... "1 sweet person like u makes the life sweet! GOOD MORNING
Life is the art of drawing without an eraser.Incidents happened cannot be erased,So make each movement careful, memorable & positive....
Open ur tinky minky eyes, stand up and strech ur crunchy prunchy bonz and then wake up yourself, tell your brain to refresh and tell your self 2days is GOOD DAY Good Morning