v cannot choose 2 b born,v canot choose our parents,v cannot chose our history,but in a choiceless society,v can chose 2 live honorably or dishonorably,v can live courageously or in cowardice,v can liv with purpose or drift,but in the end,forming our destiny is what ambition is al about.GM
Beautiful things happens to beautiful People with Beautiful Hearts in Beautiful places. I pray this day add more Beauty to ur Beautiful Life… Good Morning
In life do the ORDINARY God will do the EXTRAORDINARY ,Do the NATURAL God will do the SUPERNATURAL . Do the POSSIBLE & God will do the IMPOSSIBLE ...gd mrng
I like the people like you who like others like me and make the others like me to like others like you.. Think again.. Its worth understanding. good morning
Today wrap a rainbow of Joy in ur heart,let d sun paint a Smile on ur face,remove all clouds of doubt n fears n may u simply have a Beautiful day!! G'Mrng