Strugle thru d tasteles

Strugle thru d tasteles
Strugle thru d tasteles cofee til d Last sip only 2discovr sugar crystals lying at d bottom, Datz..Life, Sweetened jus nt stirred well enuf!Good morning..--

Jan, 16 2012     156 chars (1 sms)     881 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

Life is a dream, realize it.Life is a challenge, meet it.Life is a duty, complete it.Life is a game, play it.
Even a correct decision is wrong when it's taken too late.Vision without action is a day dream.Action without vision is a night mare.JUST THINK.GD MRNG
H+A+R+D+W+O+R+K =8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11 = 98% Only. But,A+T+T+I+T+U+D+E=1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5=100% So A Person with Right Attitude always wins.GD MRNG
Chahe gussa karo Chahe galia do Chahe sir pito Chahe cell todo Chahe ghar ka saman bekher do Hum to isi time GUD morning bolenge.
I woke up one day and thought something was missing. So I got up from my bed, grabbed my cell phone and sent you a morning greeting. Good a.m.
The texts u send me nite & day lyk jewels in my hart dey stay…And so 2 God I always pray d best of blessings be urs each day.
Go to window look outside,someone is waiting for ur smile.Found the sun i have sent the sun to say u gd mrng
Beautiful things happens to beautiful People with Beautiful Hearts in Beautiful places. I pray this day add more Beauty to ur Beautiful Life… Good Morning
People..Say i am stone hearted.. Yes..I'm stone hearted..Bcoz anythng writen on stone Wil last 4ever..Lik u n ur memories writen in my heart..! Gud morG
Gud relations dnt need anyPromises,Terms & Conditions.It just need 2Wonderful People "One who canTrust & OneWho Can Understand''.
May ur salty days b peppered wid SPICY LOV, May u bask in LEMON SUNSHINE, play on STRAWBERRY FIELD, under a VANILLA short hav a YUMMY DAY !!
Fact of Life:Everyone thinks that the TRUTH should be on their side, But nobody wants to be on the side of TRUTH..Gud mrng