Best Thought:"the person who luv u most will trouble n irritate u the maximum,bt whn u drop a tear,he will fight wid the world to stop ur tears."gud mrng
Whnever u smile,I am near u to share it. Whneveru feel sad, I am inside ur heartbearing d pain.So dont b sad, ursorrows hurts me alot. B happy alwaz.. Gm
Aey item kya kar rela hai,teri bahut memory arela tha,akha world me apun ko ekich to tere jaisa item mila hai.miss to karegaich na. Chal smile de dal..Gud day.
! You don't text often. You don't text much. It makes me feel sad coz we're out of touch. The message is clear. There's someone I really miss and it's you my dear! Good morning
1Tree Makes 1Lakh Match Sticks But 1Match Stick Can Burn 1Lakh Trees.Similarly 1Negative Thought Or Doubt Can Burn All Positive Thought.So B Positive.... G'Mrng!
Life never seems to be d way we want it, But we LIVE it the best way we can.There is no perfect LIFE but we can fill it with PERFECT MOMENT. Gud Morning