Prblm is jus d

Prblm is jus d
Prblm is jus d distance b/w expextd n reality, So eithr expect less or accept d reality, n d prblm is no more… mrng

Jan, 16 2012     119 chars (1 sms)     798 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

Even a correct decision is wrong when it's taken too late.Vision without action is a day dream.Action without vision is a night mare.JUST THINK.GD MRNG
"To Prevent ur Defeat ask idea from 1st bench people. To Achieve ur Success ask idea from last bench people" -GM
Life is only traveled once; today's moment becomes tomorrow's memory. Njoy every moment, gud or bad, coz the GIFT of LIFE is LIFE itself. Have a nice day.
Make yourself a better person and know who you are before you try and know someone else and expect them to know you. Gd mrng
Problems are like little stones If u keep them near to ur eye, they hide ur vision.If u keep dem at a distance U can see how small dey are.GM
WhAt wil u do if 1 dAy d whole world on 1 side & u on opposite ?Simple..Just Turn bAck n u r leAder of d whole world.We say:Think DIFFFERENT .GM
Anger is a Condition in which the tongue works faster than the mind. Smile is an action which makes everything work faster except the tongue.G.D.
Everything in life is temporary coz everything changes! That’s why it takes great courage to love, knowing it might end anytime… but having the faith it’ll last forever
Searching for me... Luk towards ur left ... Did'nt found me.. luk towards ur right ... Still can't find now Luk into ur HEART... *Good*Morning*
A Grt Thought:I asked GOD to give me everything so that I can enjoy Life.He smiled n replied-"I have given u Life to enjoy everything."GD MRNG
Have An Icy Morning,Wid Buttering Msgs,Mochocolaty Calls,Creamy Thoughts,Fruity Funs Wid Jumpy Joys,Have A Sweet Day.Gud Morning.
When you run so fast to get somewhere,you miss the fun of getting there. Life is not a race, so take it slower. Hear the music before the song is over.GD MRNG