Rowing hard doesn't help if the boat is heading the wrong direction. Entrust your life to God and let Him steer it according to His plan and mrng
God knows your future. He may not reveal it to you, but he will walk with you and the future unfolds. Don't trust the stars, trust the ONE who made them.G'Mrng
Life is cricket, Dont lose ur wicket,Try 2 get century,Never 4get ur boundry,Even if u r run out, Never become mood out,BeCOZ GOD Is 3rd umpire.good morning
Time is lik a river U can't touch the same water twice bcoz the flow that has passed wil never pass again Cherish every moment of ur life.. Good morning.
"Life is a Book of Mysteries.,U'll Never kNow which Page wil briNg a Good Twist.,So,keep On ReadiNg.,Bcoz HappiNess comes wheN it's Most Unexpected".GM