A clay pot that

A clay pot that
A clay pot that contains milk, will be ranked higher than a golden pot that contains poison.Its not our outer glamour but our inner self makes us valuable.

Jan, 16 2012     155 chars (1 sms)     936 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

Gud mrng d sun is up time 2 fill ur coffe cup. d day is new & how it will be is up 2 u. makes plan 2 purse what it is that u seek so that u can stand on d highest peak filled wd delight hv a fantastic day
I woke up one day and thought something was missing. So I got up from my bed, grabbed my cell phone and sent you a morning greeting. Good a.m.
Don't get 'UPSET' with little jerks in life,Bcozlife is like a road & problems are like speed breakers,They 'SAVE' us from'BIG' accident.gm
Morning Breezem, Morning coolness, Rising sun, Humming birds, Melting dew, Along with dis "LITTLE MSG" Wishing a very "GLORIOUS Good MORNING"
Happy I DAY"Happiness Always Looks Small When We Hold It In Our Hands.But When We Learn To Share It,We Realize How Big And Precious ItIs.
People r made 2 be Loved & Things r made 2 be Used"The confusion in the World is"People r being Used &Things r being Loved"'Crazy world'.GM
Everything about the Future is uncertain, but one thing is sure. GOD has already arranged all our tommorows, we just have to trust Him.gd mrng
We r not too close in distance.We r not too near in miles.But text can still touch our heartsandthoughts can bring us smiles.GM
If an egg breaks due 2 outside force! inside life ends!but... if it breaks from inside!life begins! great things always begin from inside! so try to make your inside good!good morning
v cannot choose 2 b born,v canot choose our parents,v cannot chose our history,but in a choiceless society,v can chose 2 live honorably or dishonorably,v can live courageously or in cowardice,v can liv with purpose or drift,but in the end,forming our destiny is what ambition is al about.GM
Follow two things For a Better Life... 1. Dont talk when you are angry. 2. Dont take the words seriously from the one who is angry.gd mrng
A Blind Person asked Swami Vivekanand: "Can there be any thing worse than losing you Sight ?" He replied: "Yes, losing your VISION ......gd mrng