When you fight,

When you fight,
When you fight, fight like a lion. If you get hurt, fight like a wounded lion. The only losers in this world are the quitters." G M

Jan, 16 2012     131 chars (1 sms)     932 views       Greeting > Good Morning

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What A beautiful saying:="Words are under ur control until u speak them, but u come under their control once u have spoken them!".Gud mng.
"Some Flowers Grow Best in the Sun;Others do well in Shadow.God Knows What is Best For us & Puts us Where We Grow Best..GM
Attention Pls. Passengers in Sweet DrmZ r requstd 2 open their eyes.As d NIGHT AIRLINES is Landing on a Beautiful Day.So Wake up.Gud MornG.
Sweetest Sunday, Marvellous Monday, Tasty Tuesday, Wonderful Wednesday, Thankful Thursday, Friendly Friday, Successful Saturday. Have a great weekend
Beautiful Photos R Developed By Negatives In A Darkroom, So If U See Darkness In Ur Life Believe That GoD Is Making A Beautiful Future 4 U.
We came in this world wid dfear of not knowing any1..ButWe will go frm this wrld with tears after knowing every1....AND That's called"LIFE".GM
YESTERDAY IN MY DREAM U WERE COUNTING LOT OF MONEY !!But i didnt understand why u were sitting in front of temple...!!Good Mornin!
Learn to write ur pains on the sand where winds of forgiveness can erase it away.. Carve ur joys on stone where even rain cannot erase it.GD MRNG
Simple Bye makes us cry Simple joke makes us Laugh Simple care makes us fall in Luv & Touch makes us feel best Bt my msg makes u smile!GM
"We love ourself even after doing thousand mistakes..Then how can we hate others for one mistake?"GM
Kill the STRESS before it Kills u. Reach the GOAL before it kicks u. Help evryone before somone helps u. Live the LIFE before Life leaves u.gd mrng
One of the reasons why people hold on to memories so tight is Bcoz it is the only thing that dont change when everyone else does..GM