If every raindrop

If every raindrop
If every raindrop wud b one of ur smile.. i wish that it rains heavily through out.. so that there is no space for tears in ur life....God Bless u..G'nite.

Jan, 16 2012     155 chars (1 sms)     840 views       Greeting > Good Night

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Nobody teaches Sun to rise,Fish to swim,birds to fly,Plant to grow,Child to cry,& Nobody teaches a heart to choose a friend like U....Good Night...
COLD COLD NITE On this cold cold nite,in My small small rOOm,i Look At The Brite Brite StArS iN tHe DaRk DaRk sKy & DrEaM of uR sWeet sWeet SmiLe on ur CuTe CuTe FaCe! GdNiTe!
me tujhse ek armaan maangta hu,tujhse apni jaan maangta hu,tu so jaayegi mobile off karke,isliye ek gud night kiss udhar maangta hu.gud drmz swt nyt
At this moment 3.7 Millions are sleeping,2.3 Millions are falling in Love,4.1 Million are eating & only one cute person in the whole world is reading my SMS....Good Night!!!
WINDOWS OF SOUL Tireness draws across the mind making the body fade flexibility n soon windows of soul begin 2 close N enter the dreamland! OYASUMINASAI! Sweet Dreams!
Mil jati hai kitno ko khushi, Mit jate hai kitno ko gum. Msgs isliye bhejte hai hum, taki dur rehkar bhi, "HAMARI" DEHSHAT na ho kum.. Gudnite Frnds!
Think about it:"There are no great people in this world, only great challenges which ordinary people rise to meet, which makes them great!"gud nite
All you need to succeed with excellence. all you need for a great day. all you need for a better tomorrow, is a good sleep at night. a fresh mind, can conquer the world. i wish you a good night. sleep well.
Laugh at ur mistaks but learn frm them.Joke over ur troubles but gather strength frm them.Have fun wth difficulties but overcome them!.GOOD NIGHT
Tiny starz shining bright its time 4 me 2 say goodnite, so close ur eyes & snuggle up tight I’m wishin u sweet dreams 2nite! ur 1 of a kind and always in mind..
My wishes are silent but true, Everywhere they will follow you... Luck is yours,Wishes are mine... I wish your present & future always shine... Good Evening
Aaj Izhar Bhi Mushkil Hai Us Mohobbat Ka,Jis pe Hum Kadam Kadam Kurban Huye,Ye Waqt Bhi Kaisa Waqt Hai,Jaan Se Hum Bejaan Huye..G'ngtSwt drmz