Two ways to be happy in

Two ways to be happy in
Two ways to be happy in life:-Never give the help of tears to your emotions.and-Never give the help of words to your anger..Gud nite

Jan, 14 2012     132 chars (1 sms)     798 views       Greeting > Good Night

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If I Had Three Wishes, I Would Give Away Two. Becoz The Only Thing I Want In This World.Is 1 Chance To Be With u..?Gud N8
Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up. .GN
On thiscool cool night,in urcute cuteroom,from ursmall smallwindow.Look At TheBright BrightMoon wishing u... Sweet SweetDREAMS....
WHAT is d difference between TALENT and INTELLIGENCE..Walking on a rope above Niagra falls is talent,and not trying such thing is intelligence. Gud nyte.
Hundred words does not give pain.. But, a silence makes more tears in heart...So,always keep in touch With ur loved ones..! GN
Never break anyone's heart, While breaking heart of others Think first what will happen When someone will break ur heart...Gud nite
Pearl of thought-True lov has got infinite layers. Just like onion.U may not able 2count it,but when u try to cut it,u ll hv tears in ur eyes.GD NIGHT
Reflected in this special and wonderful day is the promise of the g00d things to come..GuD NiTe
Like birds let-us leave behind what we dont need to carry grudges sadness. pain fear and regrets. life is beautiful enjoy it.good night
True wealth is not a matter of bank accounts and assets. It’s in the values we live and share as well as the persons we keep in touch with and care. Good night!
Night doesn"t become beautiful with star studded sky & full moon, It becomes beautiful when u go to sleep & Let stars & moon admire ur innocence. Gd Ni8"
A bed of clouds 4 u 2 sleep on,diamond stars as ur bedside lamp,angels frm heaven singing 4 u,may u sleep peacefully thru out the Nite. Gud nite