Out beyond ideas

Out beyond ideas
Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I'll meet you there." Good evening

Jan, 16 2012     99 chars (1 sms)     765 views       Greeting > Good Night

more Good Night SMS Messages

Think "Gently"Talk "Simply"Laugh "Loudly"Work "Hardly"Love "Sincerly"Feel "Freely"Read "Slowly"SMS me "Daily" Good night
Night doesn"t become beautiful with star studded sky & full moon, It becomes beautiful when u go to sleep & Let stars & moon admire ur innocence. Gd Ni8"
I was looking out d windws thinkng abt d person I Luv most & d persn that came into my mind is U so juz wanna wish u Gud n8.
Big fights can break relations but small misunderstandings can spoil relations & the fact is"Spoiled relations are more painful dan broken ones"-gud n8
Ho Gyi Hai Ab Tø Black Black NiGHT, Ab Band Bhi kar Do White White LiGHT, Sweet Sweet Sapno ki Pakarlø Tum FLiGHT. Oh! My Dear GooD GooD NiGHT
1 girl is disturbin me yaar!I dont know how she gotmy no.She doesnt even say her name But,whenever I call she says Sry,U hve low balance...Gud nite
Precious things r few One of them is U That's why "I MISS U" & if U want 2 know that how much I MISS U, then just C up in d sky & find where it ends.. Good night.
Success doesnt mean d absence of failures.It means d attainment of ultimate objective.it means winning d war,not every battle..Gud NITE
Since ur eyes are looking tired Let ur eye lashes hug each other4few hours Happy journey into the world of dreams . Good night.:
As the day turns into night,keep your worries out of sight!No matter how tough the world may seem,you still deserve the sweetest of dreams.
Jo chiz mang k mile woh MANNAT hai, Chah k mile wo CHAHAT hai,Paas ho wo AMAANAT hai,Dilse mile vo REHMAT hai,Par aap jaisa koi mile to vo KISMAT hai .Gdnt
People ofteN say that they were cheated iN Love., But what they forget is that oNe who cheats Never loves & oNe who loves Never cheats. Gud nite