Step by step, the journey goes on.Little by little it may seem so long.The things we learnwill keep us on.With faith in God He'll keep us strong.gud nite
All d water of sea can"t sink a ship unless it gets inside d ship..similarly negative of world can"t put U doen unless U allow it to get inside U...good Night""
Whenever i miss my U I wont luk 4u in ma dreams Or try 2 hear ur voice in ur messages. I wil jus put my hand across my chest n feel you..hav a nice night..
Jo chiz mang k mile woh MANNAT hai, Chah k mile wo CHAHAT hai,Paas ho wo AMAANAT hai,Dilse mile vo REHMAT hai,Par aap jaisa koi mile to vo KISMAT hai .Gdnt
My wishes are silent but true, Everywhere they will follow you... Luck is yours,Wishes are mine... I wish your present & future always shine... Good Evening