To let sum1 realize ur imprtnce try

To let sum1 realize ur imprtnce try
To let sum1 realize ur imprtnce try 2 stay away so dat they mis u.. but dnt stay away 4 such a lng time dat they learn 2 liv widout u.....!!! gd98..

Jan, 14 2012     148 chars (1 sms)     698 views       Greeting > Good Night

more Good Night SMS Messages

Charon taraf chand phek rela hai light, bole to ho geli hai nite. Band kar dalne ka tube light, aure sone ka tight, gud night.
Sumtimes I forget to ask R U OK?Sumtimes I even miss to say HI!But it dsnt mean dat I've forgotten u..IT ONLY MEANS THAT I'M JUST AS LAZY AS U R!gn:---
ask the successful person, "how to finish a work." but.. ask the experienced person, "how to start a work!" gud drmz swt nyt
Charon Taraf Hai Phaili Moonlight, Macchar Bhi Dene Ko Betaab Hain Aapko Love Bite,Takiye Ko Gale Lagake Sone Ka Tight,Bole Toh Woh Sweet Dreams Wala Gud Nite.
In tis lovely nite, I pray 2 the blue moon 2 protect U thru the nite, the wind 2 blow away ur stress N the twinkle stars 2 guide U the way, sweet dreams Gd Nite
Thoughts lead us on a discovery trail We only direct our thoughts through our expectations2 discover either possibilities OR impossibilities.GD NITE
A shining ANGEL stands beside your silky bed, Calling your nice Name so softly, Throwing flowers on You And saying Good Night & Sweet Dreams.
Think about it:"There are no great people in this world, only great challenges which ordinary people rise to meet, which makes them great!"gud nite
"Accept what you cannot change""Change what you cannot accept"That is one of the simple key to be happy in life.G'nite
If we Truly Love SomeoNe, TheN The oNly ThiNg we WaNt For Them Is To Be Happy., EveN theN It'll Not be with us!Gud Nite
Evry Nyt d same wishs.Are'nt u bored of it? Let it b diffrnt dis tme. Let d devils gurd u.Mummies dance around u. Vampires kis u. Hav Horrorful nyt.Bhoot nite
Cute feel: My hands never pain when typing message for 'U', but "MY HEART" always pain when there is no reply from "U…" gud NITE