Ur d reason why

Ur d reason why
Ur d reason why I hav sleepless nights. Ur d reason why I tend to hold my pillow tight. It’s u dat I’m thinking of when I lay down at night. And ur d reason I can’t sleep without sayin goodnight.

Jan, 16 2012     195 chars (2 sms)     702 views       Greeting > Good Night

more Good Night SMS Messages

I m sending 1000 smiles 2 u .take 1 now & keep the remaining 999 inside ur heart. pick out 1 everytime & think of me. b.coz i want 2 c u always smiling.. Good Nyt Frndz.Sweet Dremz.
Begin the day with a light heart. Let all your worries be swept aside at night. Smile a moment and thank God, for every moment He cares for you all the way. Good Night.
Welcome aboard2 “Sweet Dreams” airline, all passengers on bed, hug ur pillows as the flight will be leaving soon 2dream land. Enjoy ur time .gd nite
"Fallen flowers cant climb back" So don’t think about the past.. Love the present. Live for the future with a Beautiful & Sweet Smile. Good NIGHT
Like birds, let us leave behind what we don't need to carry pains,sorrows, grudges, fears. Always fly light, life is so Beautiful!.GDNITE
People may doubt what u say...!but they wil always believe what u do..!So prove ur excellence in action better than Words. Good night. Sweet dreams.
Tear of EYEs are Valuble,Speech of LIPs are Powerful, HEART with LOVE is Beautiful, LIFE with a FRIEND like YOU is more MEANINGFULL..Gud Nite...
If V BeComE ToO SeNtimEnTal,Itz Too HaRd 2 LeAd LiF&If V BecOmE Too PrActIcaL,It Is Too TouGh 2 ReSpEct RelAtIoNs.So BalaNcE AlwyZ BotH.GN
Take a deep breath,Stand near the window,Look at the sky,There will be two stars twinkling brightly,u know what they are????They are my eyes always taking care of U..Good night
Sleepng is not taking rest for todys hardwork. It means gaining energy fr tomow So hv a Gud sleep 2 gain Gud energy,bcz tmro is waiting fr uGud 9t.
Think twice b4 leaving a space in someone's heart,Bcoz its difficult to realize the pain when you see someone else filling up your space..Gud NITE
If at any time ur life is like a candle in d wind, then i'll put my hands around u so dat all burns r mine & all light is urs. GN