Trying to forget

Trying to forget
Trying to forget someone u loved is like trying to remember someone u never knew!U are in My heart!!Gud nite

Jan, 14 2012     108 chars (1 sms)     728 views       Greeting > Good Night

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lying on my BED,looking aT d CLOCK,i knw dat it's tym 2 Zzzzzz...i wonder hw hv u bn today...hope dat evrything is fine.wsh u hpy nite n swt drmz.
ask the successful person, "how to finish a work." but.. ask the experienced person, "how to start a work!" gud drmz swt nyt
Coincidence decides whom u meet in life, Ur heart decides whom u want to stay in ur life. Destiny decides who will get to stay in ur life. Good Night.
Hold 10 roses in ur hand & stand opposite to the mirror! U will see 11 roses! The 11th beautiful Rose is YOU! Gud Nite
God plz grant me the calmness to accept the thngs I cant change, the courage to change thngs I can and wisdom to knw the difrnce b/w these two.GD NITE
I wish moon always be full & bright. And you always be cool & right. Whenever you go to switch off the light. Remember that I'm wishing you good night.
Charon Taraf Hai Phaili Moonlight, Macchar Bhi Dene Ko Betaab Hain Aapko Love Bite,Takiye Ko Gale Lagake Sone Ka Tight,Bole Toh Woh Sweet Dreams Wala Gud Nite.
Stars have settled&moon will shine!Frndship matures as a lovely wine!A very lovely nite 2 a frnd of mine!May Ur night be cool & Fine!!
Here are my SPECIAL WISHES for you tonight: A Night Full of Love, A Peaceful Sleep, A Beautiful Dream, and A prayer that will come true! Gud Night..
Tiny starz shining bright its time 4 me 2 say goodnite, so close ur eyes & snuggle up tight I’m wishin u sweet dreams 2nite! ur 1 of a kind and always in mind..
i wish that God would hold u tite. i hope that angels will keep u in site. Now just2make sure u feel all rite, i'm gonna wish u a wonderful nite! sleep tite!
"Accept what you cannot change""Change what you cannot accept"That is one of the simple key to be happy in life.G'nite