God when i lose hope, help me to remember that your love is greater than my disappointments and in your plan 4 my life are better than my dreams.gd night
All you need to succeed with excellence. all you need for a great day. all you need for a better tomorrow, is a good sleep at night. a fresh mind, can conquer the world. i wish you a good night. sleep well.
Moon is happy and sun is upset, why ? because sun is missing you, and moon is gonna be with you, for the rest of the night, have a great and a wonderful night. good night
Night is a wonderful opportunity to take rest, to forgive, to dream, to smile and to get ready for all the battle that you have to fight tomorrow. Good Night.
Life's a game,sumtimes u win,sometimes u loose. But no matter what ur cards n life whether club , spade,r diamond always remember never play without a heart..gd nite