Tiny starz shinin bright

Tiny starz shinin bright
Tiny starz shinin bright its time 4 me 2 say goodnite.so close ur eyes & snuggle up tight im wishin u sweet dreams…

Jan, 14 2012     115 chars (1 sms)     793 views       Greeting > Good Night

more Good Night SMS Messages

A GuD message, 4 a GuD person frm a GuD Person 4 a GuD reason at a GuD time on a GuD day in a GuD mood to say GuD Night..
To be trusted is a greater compliment than 2 be loved!!Faith n fear cant live 2gether,give d world d best u have &da best ll come 2 u.GN
Stars light Stars bright u're the only Star I see tonite. I wish I may. I wish I might be there guarding ur dreams tonite, gd nite sweet dreams
It's not being in love that makes me happy, it's being in love with YOU that makes me happy.Gud nite
Reflected in this special and wonderful day is the promise of the g00d things to come..GuD NiTe
Ur d reason why I hav sleepless nights. Ur d reason why I tend to hold my pillow tight. It’s u dat I’m thinking of when I lay down at night. And ur d reason I can’t sleep without sayin goodnight.
Tiny starz shining bright its time 4 me 2 say goodnite, so close ur eyes & snuggle up tight I’m wishin u sweet dreams 2nite! ur 1 of a kind and always in mind..
Night is anice giftso openthe giftby closingur eyesu will cthe another world waiting for u...Enjoy it with sweet dreamz... Gud Nite
A little difference between PROMISES and MEMORIES.****PROMISES: We break them,andMEMORIES: They break us!Gud nitE
Someday, you will find one who will watch every sunrise with U.until the sunset of your life.GN
I was looking out the windows thinking about the person I care most & the person that came into my mind is U so juz wanna wish u good nite
Once the moon winks at u tonight, I wish sweet dreams embrace you tight. Hope your day was quite all right & now I bid u a lovely goodnight.