Ho Gyi Hai Ab Tø Black Black

Ho Gyi Hai Ab Tø Black Black
Ho Gyi Hai Ab Tø Black Black NiGHT, Ab Band Bhi kar Do White White LiGHT, Sweet Sweet Sapno ki Pakarlø Tum FLiGHT. Oh! My Dear GooD GooD NiGHT

Jan, 14 2012     142 chars (1 sms)     1131 views       Greeting > Good Night

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The smiling moon,the silent night,the cool breeze....And all the shining stars are wishing you to close your eyes... Good night...Sweet dreams...
Hold 10 roses in ur hand & stand opposite to the mirror! U will see 11 roses! The 11th beautiful Rose is YOU! Gud Nite
Close your eyes, concentrate your mind & pray to god about the things that you want most. god must fulfill your prayer… have a nice sleep… good night…
Ur only mine wen I dream.wen I wake I wanna scream.ur not mine im all alone.i can only text u on my fone.do dreams lie or r dey true-i hope so cos babes I want u!gd nite
Take care! The texts you send me night and day like jewels in my heart they stay…And so to God I always pray the best of blessings be yours…Each day & Night.
'g'o 2 bed, 'o'f da light, 'o'ut of tension, 'd'reams cum, 'n'ice sleep, 'i'gnore worries, 'g'et up earlier, 'h'ave nice thought, 't'hank the god.
Big fights can break relations but small misunderstandings can spoil relations & the fact is"Spoiled relations are more painful dan broken ones"-gud n8
Whats attitude?3 Ants saw an elephant coming!1st Ant:-V will break his leg,2nd:-V will kill him,3rd:-Leave him Dude,he is alone & v r 3good night
Namaskar!!!! Ye Hamari Madhyaratri Seva Hai. Isme Hum aadhi raat ke baad logon ki neend kharab karte hai. Dhanyawaad. Ab so jaiye. Good Night.
You are the reason why I have sleepless nights. You are the reason why I tend to hold my pillow tight. And you are the reason I can't sleep without saying goodnight
People may doubt what u say...!but they wil always believe what u do..!So prove ur excellence in action better than Words. Good night. Sweet dreams.
Under d sky so blue, i met sum 1 so true ,now d world seems sumthing new!sum1 vry special among a few, m realy glad tht ALLAH gifted me a friend like u.GuD NitE