800 kamron ka Mehal hoOr

800 kamron ka Mehal hoOr
800 kamron ka Mehal hoOr Motiyon se saja ho darbarIncome ho arbon may Or 200 Mercidies car Sab mil sakta hai Sapno mayIs lia Jagna hai bekar So ja mere yar..GuD NighT…

Jan, 14 2012     167 chars (2 sms)     692 views       Greeting > Good Night

more Good Night SMS Messages

Night is anice giftso openthe giftby closingur eyesu will cthe another world waiting for u...Enjoy it with sweet dreamz... Gud Nite
Chill msg for a cool person,From a chill person,For a cool reason,At a chill time,On the Cool Night,In a chill mood to say,Good Nite!!
Dont ever 4get ur true old relationshp when new ones gets added.Becoz "A new broom may sweep clean,but the old brush knws all the corners"gud nite
The greatest gift u can give 2 sum1 is your time. bcoz when u give sum1 ur time. youre givin them a portion of life that u never get back. good night friend
You are the reason why I have sleepless nights. You are the reason why I tend to hold my pillow tight. And you are the reason I can't sleep without saying goodnight
Under d sky so blue, i met sum 1 so true ,now d world seems sumthing new!sum1 vry special among a few, m realy glad tht ALLAH gifted me a friend like u.GuD NitE
Somewhere out there beneath the pale moon light someone think in of u some where out there where dreams come true. goodnight
"One minute angry will destroy your's Thousands of years Honour"So avoid getting anger. Have a peaceful mind & enjoy every moment.
Think twice b4 leaving a space in someone's heart,Bcoz its difficult to realize the pain when you see someone else filling up your space..Gud NITE
Jo chiz mang k mile woh MANNAT hai, Chah k mile wo CHAHAT hai,Paas ho wo AMAANAT hai,Dilse mile vo REHMAT hai,Par aap jaisa koi mile to vo KISMAT hai .Gdnt
Always Remember how beautifully God added one more DAY in your life... Not because you NEED it... but SOMEONE else needs u.Gud nite
If i could reach up and hold a star for every time you've made me smile, the entire evening sky would be in the palm of my hand..Gud nite