Best feel in life:To be remembered by person whom u don’t expect to remember u..Worst feel in life:To be forgotten by the one u always Remember..Gud night
Life is hard but He provides. Life is unpredictable but He guides. Life is unfair but He cares. Life is always a challenge but He watches over us. Good evening!
Sumtimes I forget to ask R U OK?Sumtimes I even miss to say HI!But it dsnt mean dat I've forgotten u..IT ONLY MEANS THAT I'M JUST AS LAZY AS U R!gn:---
Most of the things we desire are expensive. but the truth is: the things that really satisfy us are free: love, joy, laughter & good relations. good night..
Dream a dream 2nite as u a smile 2morrow that u may keep.may all of ur dreams and wishes come true cause i could`nt find a better friend like u!