Darkness is every

Darkness is every
Darkness is every ware. the birds r back there home. road are quite every body is sleeping.but i m not u know y? just wanted 2 say u good night

Nov, 23 2012     144 chars (1 sms)     995 views       Greeting > Good Night

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KrAzZy bt true abt LuV hw pathetic humans r if v HATE Sum1 v tell it widout fear Or If v Luv sum1 v fear 2tell.GN NITE
If U happen to miss a person whom U loved so much it is your fate; but in case U create a situation to miss a person who loved U so much, it is your mistake-Gud Night
On thiscool cool night,in urcute cuteroom,from ursmall smallwindow.Look At TheBright BrightMoon wishing u... Sweet SweetDREAMS....
People ofteN say that they were cheated iN Love., But what they forget is that oNe who cheats Never loves & oNe who loves Never cheats. Gud nite
Life may bring failure, hardships… but there's always a reason to smile! That is "U"Gd NITE
The most serious mistakes are not being made as a result of wrong answers. The truly dangerous thing is asking the wrong question.GD NITE
Hundred words does not give pain.. But, a silence makes more tears in heart...So,always keep in touch With ur loved ones..! GN
Even a Big Pot Full Of Water Will Be Emptied By A Small Hole. Just a Little Anger or Ego Will Burn The Nobility of Good Heart..Gn..
Moon has come to colour ur dreams,stars to make them musical? my sms to give u warm? peaceful sleep under d blanket of sweet memories. gN
U may meet people better than me, Funnier than me, More Caring than me but one thing i can say 2 U, i will "ALWAYS" be there when they all leave U. GN.
We Meet 2 create Memories &We Depart to Preserve them. To Meet & Depart is way of Life, But to Depart & Meet is HOPE of Life.GN
"Life itself cannot give you happiness unless you really wish for it. Life just gives you time and space. Its up to you to fill it" Gn