Hasna jindagi hai,

Hasna jindagi hai,
Hasna jindagi hai, has kar gum boolana jindagi hai,jeet kar hanse to kya hanse,haar kar khushiyan manaana jindagi hai.best of luck

Jan, 14 2012     130 chars (1 sms)     951 views       Greeting > Best Wishes

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To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream, not only plan but also believe. Best wishes for your exam.
It feels gud 2 stand on ground n watch up high as u aim But it feels BEST to stand up high n others watch U as their Aim.
Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.Best wishes
Success is like tip of the tail !!!If cat runs to catch the tail.It has to keep running forever.But if it walks in its own style.Tail follows!!Live life with ur own rules….my best wishes
Losing in Life & RegAining wAt u Lost mAks u d Most confident persn bcoz u r no more AfrAid of Losing As now u reAlis ur Ability 2 regAin.BEST WISHES
The HOPE, The STRUGGLE and The HARD WORK towards a goal/ success is part of the rewards. Achieving goal itself is not the whole reward...... .. BEST WISHES
Never mind thatwhat others do,Do bettr than urself,Beat ur own records every day & aim for a better Tomorrow, then Success will chase U!BEST WISHES
"Believe where others doubt.Work where others refuse.Save where others waste.Stay where others quit.Dare to differ when you are sure."MY BEST WISHES
Happiness is the delicate balance between what one is and what one has. Balance it and be happy. Gud Day!
Winners have dreams,Losers have schemes!Winners see the grains,Losers see the pain!Winners see the potential,Losers see the past..BEST WISHES
"Luck is not in your hand. But work is in your hands"."Your work can make luck But Luck can't make your work".So always trust yorself than yr luck......
If u find ur world as a sky n ur frnz as STARZ,n u dnt find me among dem. dnt worry i hv just been fallen 2 make ur wish cum true.