Whenever u win in life,win as if u r

Whenever u win in life,win as if u r
Whenever u win in life,win as if u r used 2it. And whenever u lose in life,lose as if u enjoyed losing Just4a change.BEST WISHES

Jan, 14 2012     128 chars (1 sms)     734 views       Greeting > Best Wishes

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An artist was asked at his award functionwhich is ur best painting?he replied-my next painting Moral-let Ur aim be better than before..BEST WISHES
examation is garden success is folower god bless you power to pluck this folower .my best wishes
Every bad situation will have something positive...Even a stopped Clock is correct twice a day...Think of this & lead ur life....Good LUCK....
Lucky means who Get the Oppurtunity..!Brilliant means who Create the Oppurtunity..!Winner means who Use the Oppurtunity..!BEST WISHES
Life mein kabhi compromise karna pade to don't hesitate.. Bcoz…… Jhukta wohi hai jisme jaan hoti hai, akad hi to murde ki pehchan hoti hai.BEST WISHES
Losing in life& regaining what U've lost makes u d most confident prsn,coz U are no more afraid of losing as now U realise ur ability2regain.BEST WISHES
Struggle through the tasteless coffee till the last sip only to discover sugar crystals lying at the bottomThat's life,sweetnd, just not stirred well!BEST WISHS
Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.Best wishes
Future is nt somthng u Await! Its smthng u must CREATE! Plan ur future in ADVANCE coz tat is were u wil spend the REST of ur LIFE:best wishes
Mistakes r the part of life.We must learn othrs mistakes also & learn lessons from it,calculate it,then only u can correct ur mistakes also.GOOD WISHES
The plus symbol was made with2 minus symbols! Al negative things can be shaped as positive by our hard work n positive thinking.!!BEST WISHES
With my 1 Heart... 2 eyes... 5 litre blood... 206 bones... 1.2million Red Cells... 60 trillion D.N.A.'s... I wish u "All the very best of LUCK"...