U live in ur dreams

U live in ur dreams
U live in ur dreams but dreams may die, don't get shattered never ever cry. D world is real big & has lots 2 giv, pick up a new dream, 4 dats d way 2 live.Best wishes

Jan, 14 2012     166 chars (2 sms)     965 views       Greeting > Best Wishes

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Victory isn't a dream, it isn't imaginative & not impossible to achieve. Its just d state of mind. If u have a mindset to win, u cant lose.BEST WISHES
A negative thinker see a difficulty in every opportunity,A positive thinker see an opportunity in every difficulty,wish u an optimistic life.
Stealing the blue from the splashing seas, A tinge of green from the youthful trees, A bit of orange from the sunset hues, With crystal white from the morning dews, I have framed a bright and colourful wish Just for you................
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Happiness is the delicate balance between what one is and what one has. Balance it and be happy. Gud Day!
I woke up today smiling as I recall our friendship because I know that years from now, I will still be waking up smiling for the same reason every morning.
Instead of feeling inferior because someone else can do something you cannot do, concentrate on what you can do that others cannot.my best wishes
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as far as u think 'NOT NOW', succes bcum 'NEVER'… bt as soon as u think 'Y NOT NOW', success surely will bcum 'URS' …BEST WISHES
If u cant b a highway just b a lane,if u cant b the sun just be a star.There is nothing in being great or small but b the best of wat u are.BEST WISHES
Happiness as light as air. LOVE as DEEP as OCEAN. Friends as solid as diamonds and success as bright as gold. These r my wishes 4 u today n everyday…
Evry new day is a new chapter of life,bringing new topics,new moments 4 life. I wish 2day good moments approach 2 make ur life joyfull.