"Believe where others

"Believe where others
"Believe where others doubt.Work where others refuse.Save where others waste.Stay where others quit.Dare to differ when you are sure."MY BEST WISHES

Jan, 14 2012     148 chars (1 sms)     724 views       Greeting > Best Wishes

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Never Mind Criticism If it is Untrue DISREGARD it. If it is Unfair STAY CALM. If it is Ignorant SMILE. If it is Justified LEARN From it.BEST WISHES
Learning history is so easy but making history is so difficult. Make a history of yourself and make others to learn it!MY BEST WISHES
A Beutifull Thought "No one can go back and change a bad beginning, but anyone can start anything anytime and create a successful ending…BEST WISHES
"For every success of a man there will be a countless pain in his heart and that pain makes him a successful person in life" .MY BEST WISHES
D worlds most happiest person nvr gets all d best things arnd them. they jus make d best of wat they get.. Best wishes
Angels east, Angels west, bless da person who reads this sms. May guide her 2 rest & when he wakes 2moro may perform @ his best!
If we fight, we may not always win.But if we don’t fight,we'll surely loose.So nvr compromise in life & fight 4 d best.
A Young man’s attitude towards life helps to determine this altitude. Good luck to you my dear.
If victory is certain then even a coward can fight, But the real brave is the one who still dares 2 fight if he knows his defeat is certain.my best wishes..
wh eva get ur attention will get u.the more u think about smthg, the stronger it takes hold of u. defeat bad though wit clear thinking. My Best wishes
Whenever u win in life,win as if u r used 2it. And whenever u lose in life,lose as if u enjoyed losing Just4a change.BEST WISHES
The Moment You Think Of Giving Up,Think Of The Reason Why You Held So Long.DO Or DIE Is An Old Saying, DO IT BEFORE YOU DIE Is The New One.MY BEST WISHES