Think you are well,

Think you are well,
Think you are well, and all that is well with you. And nature will read your thoughts and make them true.Best wishes to you

Jan, 14 2012     123 chars (1 sms)     770 views       Greeting > Best Wishes

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If you want something you have never had,You must be willing to do something you have never wishes
In the fight between wave & rock on seashore, Wave always wins.Not through strength,but through persistence.Dont ever GIVE UP until you win.BEST WISHES
Relation is lyk cardiogram.It lives only if it has up&down.If it is steady,it dies.So accept it positively.Blive in 4giving & 4getting.BEST WISHES
Most InspirAtionAl Sentence- " A Ship is AlwAys sAfe At the Shore.But it wAs not Built for thAt."So tAke Risk And Achieve More.-ThAt's U wAnna to wishes
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If u find ur world as a sky n ur frnz as STARZ,n u dnt find me among dem. dnt worry i hv just been fallen 2 make ur wish cum true.
Success directly connected to action.Successful people keep Doing action with motive. They make many mistakes but they Never quitDO IT NOW.MY WISHES
A person who can explain color to a blind man can explain everything in life…my best wishes
The HOPE, The STRUGGLE and The HARD WORK towards a goal/ success is part of the rewards. Achieving goal itself is not the whole reward...... .. BEST WISHES
All d right things r not possible always. All d possible things r not right always. Be true 2 both ur mind & heart, u'll never go wrong!MY BEST WISHES
Pearl of wisdom:You'll never get a second chance to make a first impression..but remember the first impression is not the last CHANCE!BEST LUCK
If you can fly, run. If you can run, walk. If you can walk, crawl. But whatever you do... Keep on moving towards the goal u seek to achieve.BEST WISHES