Small minds talk about

Small minds talk about
Small minds talk about sales,Average minds talk abt business,Great minds talk abt Growth,But,Champions nevr talk,They just perform & the world talks abt them.BEST WISHES

Jan, 14 2012     169 chars (2 sms)     795 views       Greeting > Best Wishes

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All d right things r not possible always. All d possible things r not right always. Be true 2 both ur mind & heart, u'll never go wrong!MY BEST WISHES
Hey, good morning! Rise and shine! As you open your eyes to greet the morning sun, I wish that you would be well and fine.
People will always throw stones in ur path.It depends on U what u make from it,A Wall or A Bridge..!Your decision will change Your wishes
Winning is possible 1 each and every 1,but the fact is that we must take the situation given by the life as a challenge and face it. Success is URS..BEST WISHES
Whatever we do, we must remember our aim at evry moment . If you dream to fly with eagles, don't waste time In swimming with ducks.
Genuine success comes only to those who are ready for it. Good Luck
Soft Speech clean heart, peaceful eyes, strengthful hands, focussed mind and determined decision with God's Love. Alway Makes you winner.>
You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life." Never consider the possibility of failure; as long as you persist, you will be successful.
May u be What u hope to b,See all u want to see..Do all what u want to,May ur every wish comes true.”
I woke up today smiling as I recall our friendship because I know that years from now, I will still be waking up smiling for the same reason every morning.
Care for the one who shares with u, share with the one who knows u, know the one who MISSES u, MISS the one who WELL WISHES for u, Wish u all the Best
Never Mind Criticism If it is Untrue DISREGARD it. If it is Unfair STAY CALM. If it is Ignorant SMILE. If it is Justified LEARN From it.BEST WISHES