Genuine success comes

Genuine success comes
Genuine success comes only to those who are ready for it. Good Luck

Jan, 14 2012     67 chars (1 sms)     767 views       Greeting > Best Wishes

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Perfection is not achieved completely by any one in the world.But if U keep chasing Perfectionsome where on the wayU will catch Excellence.BEST WISHES
As heat conserved is transmitted into energy, so can anger controlled can be transmitted into a power which can move the world.BEST Wishes
:Luck is not in ur hands. But work is in ur hands. Ur work can make luck But Luck can't make ur work. So always trust urself than ur luck!
Never mind thatwhat others do,Do bettr than urself,Beat ur own records every day & aim for a better Tomorrow, then Success will chase U!BEST WISHES
Na jagte hui khab dekha karo na chaho uase jise pana sako pyar kaha kisika pura hota hai pyar ka pahila akshar adhura hota hai
Every good thought is a star which leads you on, shining in the dark, making your pathway radiant.Best wishes
An icing can make a cake so sweet, A string can make a balloon so high, A matches can make a candle so bright, i hope that my simple hi can make you smile and wishes
If We Fight, We May Not Always Win.But If We Don 't Fight We will Surely Lose.Faling Down is Not a Defeat,Defeat is When u Refuse 2 Get Up.BEST WISHES
Winners have dreams,Losers have schemes!Winners see the grains,Losers see the pain!Winners see the potential,Losers see the past..BEST WISHES
Every great improvement has come after repeated failures. Virtually nothing comes out right d first time. Never lose ur confidenceā€¦BEST WISHES
Sometimes, life gets so busy that we could not find time to say "Thank you" to someone who has been so nice and wonderful. "Thank you!"
If u cant fly, run. If u cant run, walk. If u cant walk, crawl. But whatever u do, keep on moving towards d goal u seek to best wishes