GOLDEN WORDS by MARTIN LUTHER KING : If u can't fly, run. If u can't run, walk. If u can't walk, crawl.But whatever u do, keep on moving towards ur goal.BEST WISHES

Jan, 14 2012     164 chars (2 sms)     797 views       Greeting > Best Wishes

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Fly in the plane of Ambition&Land in the Airport of Success.Luck is yours,Wish is mine.May Ur future always shine.
Every good thought is a star which leads you on, shining in the dark, making your pathway radiant.Best wishes
An artist was asked at his award functionwhich is ur best painting?he replied-my next painting Moral-let Ur aim be better than before..BEST WISHES
Soft Speech clean heart, peaceful eyes, strengthful hands, focussed mind and determined decision with God's Love. Alway Makes you winner.>
All d right things r not possible always. All d possible things r not right always. Be true 2 both ur mind & heart, u'll never go wrong!MY BEST WISHES
Difficulties in your life do not come to destroy U, but to help U realise ur hidden potential and Power, Let Difficulties know that U too are DIFFICULT
A fulfiling future belongs 2 those wit strong vision and resilence.It doesn’t matter where U might be now.Starting well n finishing strong is what best wishes
A negative thinker see a difficulty in every opportunity,A positive thinker see an opportunity in every difficulty,wish u an optimistic life.
"God Bless U"is such a litlle prayr but it means so much. It means may d Lord with His gracious hands give u more den u hv prayd for ! God bless u:
Feeling Tense? Think Me Feeling Sad? Call Me Feeling Lonely? See Me Feeling Sleepy? Dream of Me My Name is SELF CONFIDENCE Never Loose Me. ALL THE BEST
Success in life will create crowd 4 U, Loneliness in life wil create space 4 U, But tough times in life wil create d true person in U.BEST WISHES
The plus symbol was made with2 minus symbols! Al negative things can be shaped as positive by our hard work n positive thinking.!!BEST WISHES