"If u want some thing

"If u want some thing
"If u want some thing u never had, do something u have never done .MY BEST WISHES

Jan, 14 2012     81 chars (1 sms)     727 views       Greeting > Best Wishes

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If you want something you have never had,You must be willing to do something you have never done.best wishes
Care for the one who shares with u, share with the one who knows u, know the one who MISSES u, MISS the one who WELL WISHES for u, Wish u all the Best
Losing in Life & RegAining wAt u Lost mAks u d Most confident persn bcoz u r no more AfrAid of Losing As now u reAlis ur Ability 2 regAin.BEST WISHES
Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.Best wishes
The Moment You Think Of Giving Up,Think Of The Reason Why You Held So Long.DO Or DIE Is An Old Saying, DO IT BEFORE YOU DIE Is The New One.MY BEST WISHES
Losing in life& regaining what U've lost makes u d most confident prsn,coz U are no more afraid of losing as now U realise ur ability2regain.BEST WISHES
Evry new day is a new chapter of life,bringing new topics,new moments 4 life. I wish 2day good moments approach 2 make ur life joyfull.
Don't waste your time with jealousy. Sometimes you are ahead, sometimes behind. The race is lomg and in the end its only with yourself.Best wishes
Dariya jitna project Nadiya jitna effort Baalti jitna estimate Dabbe jitni salary Boond jitna increment To kya khaak hoga achivement. Best of luck
Most InspirAtionAl Sentence- " A Ship is AlwAys sAfe At the Shore.But it wAs not Built for thAt."So tAke Risk And Achieve More.-ThAt's U wAnna to b.best wishes
All you need in the life is ignorance and confidence and then success is sure. Good luck.
The shortest way to do many thing is to do a single thing at a time.best wishes