If the path is beautiful,

If the path is beautiful,
If the path is beautiful, Let us not ask where it leads.But if the destination is beautiful, Let us not ask how is the path.~keep walking?best wishes

Jan, 14 2012     149 chars (1 sms)     731 views       Greeting > Best Wishes

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Stealing the blue from the splashing seas, A tinge of green from the youthful trees, A bit of orange from the sunset hues, With crystal white from the morning dews, I have framed a bright and colourful wish Just for you................
Luck is Not in ur Hands.But Work is in ur Hands. Ur Work can make Luck But Luck can't make ur work.So Always Trust urself than ur Luck.BEST OF LUCK
Losing in Life & RegAining wAt u Lost mAks u d Most confident persn bcoz u r no more AfrAid of Losing As now u reAlis ur Ability 2 regAin.BEST WISHES
examation is garden success is folower god bless you power to pluck this folower .my best wishes
"God Bless U"is such a litlle prayr but it means so much. It means may d Lord with His gracious hands give u more den u hv prayd for ! God bless u:
D worlds most happiest person nvr gets all d best things arnd them. they jus make d best of wat they get.. Best wishes
The plus symbol was made with2 minus symbols! Al negative things can be shaped as positive by our hard work n positive thinking.!!BEST WISHES
Never Mind Criticism If it is Untrue DISREGARD it. If it is Unfair STAY CALM. If it is Ignorant SMILE. If it is Justified LEARN From it.BEST WISHES
Inspiring words : Failing to plan is planning to fail. Do not turn back when you are just at the goal. The best vision is insight….!!!!BEST WISHES
Fly in the plane of Ambition&Land in the Airport of Success.Luck is yours,Wish is mine.May Ur future always shine.
If we fight, we may not always win.But if we don’t fight,we'll surely loose.So nvr compromise in life & fight 4 d best.
No1 Ever Won a Game of Chess by Taking only Forward Moves.Sometime U have 2 Move Backward 2 get a Better Step Forward.That's also in life..BEST WISHES