The world's thinnest

The world's thinnest
The world's thinnest book has only one word written in it: "Everything". And the book is titled: "What Woman Wants!"

Jan, 14 2012     116 chars (1 sms)     817 views       General

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Samundar jitna Mkt, Nadi jitna Turnover, Talab jitna Expenses, Balti jitna Bad Debts, Lote jitna Profit.Happy March End....
SMS doesn’t mean only Short Messaging Service, but it also means Some Moments Shared with loved ones.
The world's thinnest book has only one word written in it: "Everything". And the book is titled: "What Woman Wants!"
Famous saying- "Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl, he's simply not giving kiss the attention it deserves!"
The Company Of Gud "SMS" Is Like The Shop Of Perfume U can Receive A Lot Of Gud Fragnance
I.T.OF INDIAN GODS BRAHMA-System installer VISHNU-System supporter SHIVA-Delete specialist NARADA-Data transferer APSARA-Download virus
Actually seriuously practically really typically sincerely jokingly essentially interestingly obviously i want to disturb u !!!
A - U'r Attractive B - U'r D Best C - U'r Cute D - U'r Dear 2 me E - U'r Excellent F - U'r Funny G - U'r Gud Looking H - He He He I - I'm J - Just K - Kidding
When do you know a woman is going to say something interesting ? .... When she starts with "My husband said..."
Can U believe things ppl do??!! I was sitting next to a guy in Mandir, In the middle of the aarti, he lit a cigarette. I was so shocked, I nearly dropped my beer
Dear customer,your bathing date validity for one year is expired 2day. So kindly RE-BATH within 1 hour and get two years validity.HURRY-UP.
Proposing a girl in front of college is gentle>in front of temple is cute>in front of her house is heroism>>but in front of her HUSBAND its DIL..