Softly d leaves

Softly d leaves
Softly d leaves of memory falls,slwly i'l gather n pick dem all,coz 2day,2morrw til my life's thru,i'l alwyz cherish having a "FRND LIKE U"

Jan, 13 2012     139 chars (1 sms)     780 views       Friendship

more Friendship SMS Messages

I dont regret the things I have done and the things I didnt do. For somewhere along the way I must have done something right coz I ended up with a friend like you.
It's gud to have money & the things it can buy but it's also gud to check once in a while & make sure u haven't lost the things money can't buy.... FRIENDS!
My sweetest memory:our introduce.!My biggest sadness:The distance.! My biggest hope: i will c u soon.! My strongest prayer:our frdship ..
I AlwAys thot loving some1 is greAtest feeling,bt I reAlized thAt loving A frnd is even better.We lose pple v love,bt we nevrlose true frnds
Some friends deserve 2be thrown,Some friends r good 2 keep,some r 2b treasured 4ever,and i think u r ONE 2b thrown.............In the treasure box2b keept 4ever.
U May Be BuSy,U May Be EngagedWith Lot Of Work.U Have 1440minutes Per day.Atleast For 1 minThink Tht A CharmyFRIEND Is Waiting For ur SMS
Frndship is like a clap it make sound great when we clap with two hands and frndship is strong when two person can understand each orther,and that two person are u and me ... thanks for being my frnd.....
A warm "hello" doesn't come from the lips, it comes from the heart; doesn't have to be told, it has to be shown; doesn't have to be given, it has to be sent.
Everyone says you only fall in love once, but that's not true. Every time I hear your voice I fall in love all over again.
Friendship is like a bank in which u have to deposite love,sympathy,trust,help and joy as inetrest u will get companion 4 lifetime.
Walking alone is not very difficult … but it is hard when you are coming back alone after a long time of walking, talking and laughing with someone!
A rose exclusively for a nice person like u 4m an ever nice person like me. Keep the rose until it’s dry, keep my friendship until I die.