There r times i find my hands full of frenz...i wnt2 hold thm hard as i fear losing them.I laugh whn i realiz dat they r d ones holdin me. . . Thanks 4bein1..
Each day with someone new, I do look and never find another you, world is full of people, I know its true, Yet no one could ever equal the FRIEND I found in YOU.
True Friendship isn't leaving behind old friends when u find some new ones.It's abt preserving dried rose betwen pages inspite of being gifted a rose daily!
You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you
I've nothing to offer so it's love I'm going to send. It's nothing that I've borrowed, nor nothing that I'd lend. This love that I send comes with my Lifetime Guarantee.
A little clown is living in my heart. Small and very special. It can dance and jump, laugh and sing. Are you in pain and you need to cry, come and borrow it!