A good friend

A good friend
A good friend is like a light house it doesn’t ring bells, fire guns to call attention when you are lost … it simply stands tall and shines

Sep, 07 2013     139 chars (1 sms)     1180 views       Friendship

more Friendship SMS Messages

R we friends or r we not u told me once but i 4got 4 all da friends i'v eva met ur da 1 i won't 4get n if i die b4 u do i'll go 2 heaven n wait 4 u.
No scale can measure our friendship, coz though one can see where it starts, nobody can ever see where it ends.
Friendship Has ONE Law...."Never make ur Friend feel alonetill u r there...."So disturb your friends as much asyou can..Like i do!!
Miles and Smiles are made 4m same letters. But u know the difference?? A Smile on ur face keeps me happy even though i"m miles away from u."
Real friendship is most notable in those times of trouble. Times of prosperity are full of ‘friends’.
Which Is The Biggest Thing In The World? SEA? No. MOUNTAIN? No. SKY? No. Dont Know? My Big Heart Which Sends U This SMS!
Anybody can say "I UNDERSTAND YOUR FEELINGS" but, real friends says "I FEEL YOUR FEELINGS"
It's gud to have money & the things it can buy but it's also gud to check once in a while & make sure u haven't lost the things money can't buy.... FRIENDS!
Frndshp is a soft feelngs of heart,Bt its very hard 2 feel & when it feels,its to hard 2 drop BECOZ TRUE frndshp HAPPENS ONCE in Life.
Ish dil ki he ek 'CONDITION' jisme nahi he kisiko 'PERMISSON' sirf aap jese dosto ko he"ADDMISSON"aur wo bhi bina DONESSION
7 days make a lovely week, 4 weeks make a lovely month, 12 months make a lovely year and knowing someone like u makes a lovely life.
SMS means: S=Symbol of Friendship... M=Method of communication in two hearts... S=Sweet waiting for the favourite person...