If 2morrw we

If 2morrw we
If 2morrw we miss each other, U'll get thousands of frnds like me, but i won't get one like u bcoz in sky, stars are so many but Moon is only one.

Jan, 12 2012     146 chars (1 sms)     935 views       Friendship

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A truely caring friendship means, one who knows you are crying and finds your tears even when you are walking in the rain...
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Life’s lyk a novel. Mani chapters read and forgotten. But’s there’s one i wont 4get.. Its de chapters i met u and we became friends.. Take care..
"In ur darkest hour wen ur fed up & blue.just remember this I'll always be there 4 u.Im no angel N cant change ur fate.but I'll do anything 4 u coz ur my friend."
B regular as clok.B fresh as rose.B soft as flower.B strong as rock. &&&B NICE as me!I knw its dificlt,but just keep Trying…
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What is trust ?? Trust is a feeling that a one year child has , when you throw him in air and catch again , and he enjoys it