If 2morrw we

If 2morrw we
If 2morrw we miss each other, U'll get thousands of frnds like me, but i won't get one like u bcoz in sky, stars are so many but Moon is only one.

Jan, 12 2012     146 chars (1 sms)     941 views       Friendship

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Do u know a simple HELLO can b so sweet H How r u? E Everything alrite? L Like 2 c u! L Luv 2 hear from u! O Obviously miss u! So,HELLO
Love is when your Friend gets Angry wid u & says, I wil Never Talk 2 u. & Later the Person Cums back 2 u just 2 Inform Im stil Angry.
I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends. I"m surrounded by angels but I call them my best friends."
Compare Luv&Frndship L F Blind Bright Mad Glad Alone Group Fear Joy Silent Rouse Blank Complete Short Everlast Danger Safe Think.
Every frnd can say 'I can understand ur feelings' but a true frnd will always say 'I can feel ur feelings' dat is d true luv of a frnd.
Smiling is complete when it begins wth ur lips,reflects in ur eyes and ends wth glow on ur face wish u many such SMILING DAYS.....
frnds are nt game 2 play,frnds r nt just word to say,frnds do not start in june n end in may,frnds means yesterday,today n everyday
I prayed for a red bike, God gave me blue. I lost my old cap, He gave me new. I asked for a friend who will always be true. I prayed and prayed, till came you.
My sweetest memory:our introduce.!My biggest sadness:The distance.! My biggest hope: i will c u soon.! My strongest prayer:our frdship ..
life Realation is nevar planned nor it happen for a reason but when relation a is real it becomes a plan for life &a reason for livin.
I may not be the “Perfect Friend.” That u r looking 4. not even the best. Among them all but surely I’m a friend who always cares for u.
Today is treasure, Tommorow is pleasure, Remember me when We are not together.