In school they

In school they
In school they taught me that; 1 hour = 60 min.1 min = 60 sec. but they never told me that; 1 sec. without U = 100 years

Jan, 13 2012     120 chars (1 sms)     928 views       Friendship

more Friendship SMS Messages

Keep me as a friend I will keep in my heart lock it up & throw the key that no one take you away from me.
love is like a call if u dont receive it will be missed FRIENDSHIP is like an sms untill u open it waits
The hardest part of missing friends is not their absence,it’s when you think of all those good times and ask yourself, will those moments ever happen again
When a Message sent from a distance… U cannot see the Faces, U cannot see the Smiles, But U can sense the care that truly come from
FRiENDSHiP means to FEEL some1 in every HEARTBiT to FIND some1 in every THOUGHT to SEE some1 with CLOSED EYES & to MiS some1 without reason.
Najane log khud ko kya samajhte hai,baat naa karo to takrar samajhte hai. ghar se naa niklo to bimaar samajhte hai...aur agar kisi se has ke baat karo to pyaar samajhte hai
"Mother" is d sweetest word in d world Next comes "Friends" If mother gives"Life" Friends helps 2 live d life They r d true gifts of god.
"I say & U listen" is a good friendship."U say & I listen" is a better friendship."I dont say & U understand" is the best friendship.
My sweetest memory:our introduce.!My biggest sadness:The distance.! My biggest hope: i will c u soon.! My strongest prayer:our frdship ..
Every second God remembers you, Every minute God bless you, Every hour God cares for you because... Every day I pray God to take care of U.
Life is just like a cloud.We are moving without end.Nothing stays with us. What remains with us are memories of good times spent with our beloved ones.
R we friends or r we not u told me once but i 4got 4 all da friends i'v eva met ur da 1 i won't 4get n if i die b4 u do i'll go 2 heaven n wait 4 u.