My love for

My love for
My love for you is like water, falling countless… the beating of my heart, for you is so heavy and soundless, the feeling of being in your arm is so precious and endless.

Aug, 14 2013     170 chars (2 sms)     1270 views       Love

more Love SMS Messages

What iS gr8 love ? Its wen u hide tears n still care 4 her . Its wen she ignores u n u still LOVE her . Its wen she begins love another n u still SMILE
D gauge of hw u trly trsure sm1 is not how hapi u r w/dem Bt hw sad u r wn u lose dem. But pls dnt try 2 find out how sad il b w/o u coz surely i wont last!!
If you love someone more then anything, then distance only matters to the mind, not to the heart..
My love to u which is now OUR love is n should be seen as a sunflower during the spring season which will keep on blossoming even if winter approaches, it keeps on blossoming. Believe me, you are the fresh queen of my heart
Curved high on a mountain covered in dew... I saw these 3 words... I LOVE YOU!
Wo Dil hi kia jo tere Milne ki tamana na kare , me tujhey bhool k zinda rahoon khuda na kare, rahega payar tera sath mere Zindagi ban kar, Ye or bat he kay Zindagi mere wafa na kare
When situation gets u down, remember there’s someone in Heaven who loves u and watches over u and there’s someone on Earth who cares. I do. LUV U
It's not your mistake if you can't read the eyes which cheats you but it's really your mistake if you can't read the eyes which cares you.LOVE YOU
The best line I've ever come across- "The heart is the only broken instrument that works, without repairing for years..
People said tha any thing multiplied by zero,it becomes zero.......then why doesnt the same happen when i multiply zero with d distance betwn u n me
I have no regrets.I will nevr regret loving someone becoz the feeling of love for five minutes is greatr than an eternity of hurt...
Cutest Love Proposal :Boy: Can i take u'r picture..?Girl: for what..?Boy : so dat i can show Santa Claus, wat i want for Christmas...!