Love means understanding

Love means understanding
Love means understanding, not agreement; it means forgiveness, not forgetting; it means the memories last, even if contact is lost.

Feb, 09 2013     131 chars (1 sms)     955 views       Love

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I sought for love, but love ran away from me, I sought my soul, but my soul I couldn't see, Then I sought for you, and I found all three.
In d rythm of life, v sumtimes find ourselves out of tune, but as long as thr s love like U 2 gv melody d music goes on and on
its always better 2 have found d courage 2 love even if u lose it in the end rather than never finding love because you were too afraid to face its challenge
"Finding some1 to fall in luv wth is nice. Bt findng sum1 who would keep u falling even after U've fallen is irreplaceable.
I am in da emergency room now talk'n to da doctor he says it doesn't look good he says I am going to die... If I ever stop loving YOU!
Nothing to say. nothing to write. nothing to send. but i believe that, you will listen, read & recieve my feelings in the silence too. i love you my dear.....
In life we meet a lot of people, but make friendship with few, some touches our life in such way that there presense is felt in there absense too..
You’re eyes are soft en tender,as sweet as they can be.There’s one thing you must remember, you are the one for me!!!
They say it's painful to wait 4 some1.They say it's painful 2 4get some1.But d worst pain comes wen u dont knw whether 2 wait or 4get!
Saying i luv u is important, but not enuf. Love is a verb, an action word. Sumtyms passive because it happens to us but also active because we choose to do it.
Love is the answer that every one seeks. Love is the language that every heart speaks.
Let`s share the world. A sea is for you, and waves are for me. The sky is for you, and stars are for me. The sun is for you, and light is for me. Everything is for you, and you are for me