Five steps to

Five steps to
Five steps to a lovely morning close your eyes, take a deep breath, open your arms wide, feel your heart beat and say its too early. let me sleep again. good morning.

Oct, 10 2012     166 chars (2 sms)     870 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

If U want to enjoy,alwys think today is the 1st day,But if U wnt to achieve sumthing alwys think today is the last day....Good m'ing
Success will NEVER lower it's standard to accommodate us.We HAVE TO raise our standard to achieve it "FOR EVERY BIRD, GOD PROVIDES FOOD BUT NOT IN ITS NEST!GM
Our life begins with our cry,Our life ends with others cry,so try to utilize this gap in laugh as much as possible...Gm.
Golden rays of golden sun, Golden day of golden rays and Golden wishes of golden day for GOLDEN person like U!" GOOD MORNING.
G-GOd O- Offers us O- outstinding D- Devotion .be good gd mrng
Life's probs wouldntbe called hurdles ifthr wasnt way2getover thm Obstacles r those frightful things u see whn u take ur eyes off ur goal.GM
Success slogan 1. Define ur self.2. Never give up.3. Plan ur future.4. Realise the value of time.5. Think positive.6. Catch ur dreams.GM
Nothing lasts forever, you must learn to let go, so that more important things can find their ways into your life! Good Day.
Thought- Doing nothing gets pretty tiresome because you cant stop and rest !!. ..... Good morning
Life is a collection of changes. So don't avoid changes. Take every change as a challenge. Some give success nd some act as stepping stone to success.Gd mrng
Don’t take life too seriously & always find time to laugh coz laughter not only add years to ur life, but adds more Life to ur Years. Have nice day
Searching for me... Luk towards ur left ... Did'nt found me.. luk towards ur right ... Still can't find now Luk into ur HEART... *Good*Morning*