The permanent temptation

The permanent temptation
The permanent temptation of life is to confuse dreams with reality! but d permanent defeat of life comes wen we surrender our dreams to reality. good morning

Oct, 15 2012     157 chars (1 sms)     999 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

Hai.. Get up.!Get up.!A beautful day is waiting 4uWalk with aims Run with confidencFly with ur Achivements.Soget up..! Good morning
Love is like shadow & career is like lightIf u try 2 catch d shadow,u wll miss d light if u walk 2wards light,shadow wil automatically follow.GM
Life is full of Problems,Problems r not Permanent,But Life is Permanent,So avoid probleMS skeep smiling enjoy Life withCorrect Way. GM
Feel D pleasure of LIFE in evry second.Nevr b'angry'or'sad'bcoz evry 1min of ur anger or sadness,u loose 60sec of hapines.B hapy always.Gm.
When u r in light,evrything wil follow u.But when u enter dark,even ur own shadow wil nt follow u.Thats life:G'mrng
Don’t see others doing better than you…! beat your own records everyday…! bcoz, success is a fight between you & yourself not with others…good morning
During arguments, Intelligents use Silence & Stupids use Tongues. And during Discussions, Intelligents use Tongue & Stupids use Silence...Gud Mrng!
Ur Voice is MELODY,Ur Nature is PERK,Ur Behaviour is KITKAT,Ur Mind is MUNCH,Ur Heart is DAIRY MILK..!!Oh ! U r Totally 5 star..Good morning
LIFE Is Not A REHEARSALEach Day Is A New Show,No Repeat, No RewindSo Give UR Best Shot In All UR Worthy Acts As The Show Goes On & On.G'mrng
A Blind Person asked Swami Vivekanand: "Can there be any thing worse than losing you Sight ?" He replied: "Yes, losing your VISION mrng
A butterfly lives only for few days, but still it flies joyfully capturing many hearts. Each moment in life is indeed precious, live it fully, live it mrng
Do not pray for easy lives.Pray to be stronger.Do not pray for task equal to ur powers.Pray for powers equal to your tasks.GOOD MORNING