The wrong kind of people

The wrong kind of people
The wrong kind of people dislikes you 4 the good in you &The right kind of peoples like you knowing even the bad in you. That makes a Friendship strong.

Jan, 12 2012     152 chars (1 sms)     842 views       Friendship

more Friendship SMS Messages

Dil se liya 1st D Love se liya 2nd O Rose se liya 3rd S Geet se liya 4th T Sathi se liya 5th I To laisi lagi hamari DOSTI!!
Friendship is a lil more truth & a lil less lie,A lil more WE & a lil less I, A lil more LAUGh & a lil more cry. Friendship is simply U & I. 3 Cheers to our Friendship
1 injection of trust, 1 tablet of care, 1 syrup of attention, 1 drip of understanding, take 3 times a day! its all necessary 4 the health of our frndship
Friend: someone who tells you things while you are alive, things that others tell after you die
Friendship often ends in love; but love ends in friendship - NEVER.
Eveything in this world is so fine, but everything in this world is not mine, but there is one thing that is pure & divine… ur friendship & lucky to be mine
A deep friend is like rainbow, when the perfect amount of happiness and tears r mixed, the result is a colorful bridge between hearts.
Don’t Love a Friend who Hurts U Don’t Hurt a Friend who Loves U.
Todays Special Lunch 4 U.. In The Hotel Of My Heart.. A Boul Of dosti.. A Spoon Of Care.. In The Pot Of Happiness & Dish Being Our FRIENDSHIP..Dont miss..
When god made parts, he thought of hearts. And for each heart a sweetheart. And among those sweethearts he made 1 sweetest heart, And That's Ur's.
Stars are seen together,yet they r so far apart !good friends may not speak everyday ,but remember they r always linked' heart to heart"
U May Be BuSy,U May Be EngagedWith Lot Of Work.U Have 1440minutes Per day.Atleast For 1 minThink Tht A CharmyFRIEND Is Waiting For ur SMS