Friendships May Be

Friendships May Be
Friendships May Be Like The Seasons, Blowing Hot And Cold, Ever-Changing, But Always Needed Whatever The Weather

Jan, 12 2012     112 chars (1 sms)     801 views       Friendship

more Friendship SMS Messages

What is real but invisible? Ur love… What is true but unfair? Ur away from me… What is sweet but invincible? Ur smile… What is precious but priceless? Ur friendship…
Usually I send SMS to people who are very dear, very close or very special. But in your case, I am making an exception coz you are all three!!!
Being visible isn't always a requirment 4 being close, it just takes some thoughtful gesture and concern 2 capture d HEART of a FRND.
Dil se liya 1st D Love se liya 2nd O Rose se liya 3rd S Geet se liya 4th T Sathi se liya 5th I To laisi lagi hamari DOSTI.
FRIENDS r the BEST part of our LIVES….And the BEST VITAMIN for making FRIENDS is VITAMIN B1…THANKS for “B”eing”1?
You can win me ,you can lose me but never try 2 use me
Nobody understands d reason y we meet in this life’s journey. we’re not related by blood, we don’t know each other from d start.. but god puts us together to b wonderful frnds by heart!!!
Friendship is like a bank in which u have to deposite love,sympathy,trust,help and joy as inetrest u will get companion 4 lifetime.
If u doubt our friendship, take a COIN and put TOSS. If it is HEAD then You are my friend. If it is TAIL then I am your friend.
Wen u r counting all ur friends, d oldest, best n d new, i wud lik to stand beside u n say 2 little words..."Me too.."
I prayed for you before we met, not knowing who you d be. i asked the lord to send a friend. one chosen just for me.
Friendship is like a book it take years to write but it may take few seconds to burn