One should try to make new friends everyday, without the company of friends life is barren, and has no meaning. One should learn the art of making friends, because at the end of the life we remember our friends.
It's hard to explain what I feel. What I know is you are my friend. Maybe, I'm never the perfect one, but I will still be your friend no matter what. Just hold on, maybe, I will never be your bestfriend, but your friend forever.
Friendship is responsibility not opportunity. It is cement that holds d world together friends r those who speak 2 u when others don't. friend is 1 who puts his finger on a fault without rubbing it in
A daily thought…A silent tear… A daily thought…A silent tear… A Constant wish that u r near… Words are few but thoughts r deep… Memories of our frenship i’ll always keep!!
Life is a party whenever i am with you, you turn my tears into smiles when we share and laugh together, you make me spend a lot and it is worth it, because i care about you my dear friend.