SMS means

SMS means
SMS means: S=Symbol of Friendship... M=Method of communication in two hearts... S=Sweet waiting for the favourite person...

Jan, 13 2012     124 chars (1 sms)     936 views       Friendship

more Friendship SMS Messages

When things turn out bad and your strength is no longer enough to carry them. You must never give up, cause when your strength ends, my worth os your friend begins.
Friendship is like a Flower,Glowing in its Gloly,Each & Every seed ,Telling their own story......
If you want to be Happy for a day, get a Date. Happy for a week, get a Lover. Happy for the lifetime..KEEP ME BUDDY!! Wishing u HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY!
love is like a call if u dont receive it will be missed FRIENDSHIP is like an sms untill u open it waits
PRAYER is an open line 2 Heaven,no cards 2 use, no low battery problems,no error,no charging,good signal & all mssgs sent are received!KEEP PRAYING GOD LISTENS
Without any'PARTICULAR RELATION'We love ourFRIENDS a lot..Do u know why?bcozthey are related with'HEART to HEART'..
Friends r angels that come from above.sent by god 4 me 2 wen u r lonely sad n blue remember ill be there for u! ,...
Lollypop said to Chocolate Were the sweetest people on this earth. The chocolate said Wait, I think you have not met the person reading this message!!!
Friendship open many doors, Each with a different view. But none could have a more beautiful view than the door that leads 2 u!!
Every Failure is a lesson–Learn well,every Success is a Battle-Fight it & every Friend is a jewel-Keep well in ur heart
Some friends are remembered becoz of their smile. Some friends are remembered because of their style. But you are remembered because you are so nice to remember
Softly d leaves of memory falls,slwly i'l gather n pick dem all,coz 2day,2morrw til my life's thru,i'l alwyz cherish having a "FRND LIKE U"