If I ever sent

If I ever sent
If I ever sent U a bunch of roses I will put a fake one in between and will say our friendship will last till the last one dies!

Jan, 13 2012     128 chars (1 sms)     790 views       Friendship

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frnds are nt game 2 play,frnds r nt just word to say,frnds do not start in june n end in may,frnds means yesterday,today n everyday
Todays Special Lunch 4 U.. In The Hotel Of My Heart.. A Boul Of dosti.. A Spoon Of Care.. In The Pot Of Happiness & Dish Being Our FRIENDSHIP..Dont miss..
love is like a call if u dont receive it will be missed FRIENDSHIP is like an sms untill u open it waits
Good Friendz R Like Tom & JerrySometimes Small Fights&Craps Keeps Them Apart,But They AlwaysCome Back TogetherTo Run A Long Episode
A day is going to end again. It is nice to have a friend like U making my everyday seems so great. Thank U my goodfriend
Today is treasure, Tommorow is pleasure, Remember me when We are not together.
7 days make a lovely week, 4 weeks make a lovely month, 12 months make a lovely year and knowing someone like u makes a lovely life.
It takes only a min to get a crush on someone..an hr to like someone..a day to love someone..but it takes a lifetime to forget a FRD like u,.
A little clown is living in my heart. Small and very special. It can dance and jump, laugh and sing. Are you in pain and you need to cry, come and borrow it!
Sweet like Honey, Costly like Money. Blessing like Shower, Smiling like Flower.Cool like Ice, A friend so Nice. Guess who?O hello! Its ME, not U.
Sometimes you just have to be dirty, useless and ugly to see who your true friends are. who ll accept you despite the fact that you re damn nothing
Feelings r many... but words are few, clouds r dark...but sky is blue, love is a paper... life is a glue, everything is false... but our friendship is true.....