Today is treasure

Today is treasure
Today is treasure, Tommorow is pleasure, Remember me when We are not together.

Jan, 13 2012     78 chars (1 sms)     1119 views       Friendship

more Friendship SMS Messages

People like U are found only once in a lifetime…. So U better take care of yourself because I don’t want to waste another lifetime to find a such a SWEET Friend.
My frndship is like drug, once u take it u can't avoid it, when u don't get it u r sick&wen u lose it u r destroyed.So dont dare 2 forget me
Sweet like Honey, Costly like Money. Blessing like Shower, Smiling like Flower.Cool like Ice, A friend so Nice. Guess who?O hello! Its ME, not U.
Don't walk in front of me,I may not follow; don't walk behing me,I may not lead; walk beside me,and just be my friend.
frnds are like baloons once you let them go u cant ever bring them back thats why i will tie u tight to my heart ur 2 presious 2 me
Miles and Smiles are made 4m same letters. But u know the difference?? A Smile on ur face keeps me happy even though i"m miles away from u."
Heats could love 4 a while, feet could walk 4 a mile, clothes won’t 4ever be in style, but having u as my friend is 4EVER worthwhile.
I don't xpect 2 b an imp. Person in ur life...what would make me happy is! 1day if anywhere u hear my name,u'll smile nd say... HEY THAT'S MY FRIEND...!
Many frnds will come in2 life just as rain on earth,but only sum will take D best place like the drop which fortunately bcomes a pearl
0ur Friendship is Like Playing on See-SawNot only Because Its Always Fun With YouBut Also Because I Wouldn't MindGoing Down 2 See You Rising !!!
A friend is someone who knows the song of your heart and who can sing it for you when you have forgotten it
A moment of joy spent under a willow,.. the tear of eye that wets ur pillow,.. Sometimes pain n Sometimes pleasure, When given by Frenz, both r treasure!