A good friend will

A good friend will
A good friend will come and bail u out if u r in jail.. A true friend cant, coz he is sittin next to u saying "Dude we r screwed !!

Jan, 13 2012     131 chars (1 sms)     778 views       Friendship

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No sweet thought to forward, no cute graphics to send, just a..caring heart saying.... Take Care always my dear friend
If somebody leaves u with lots of tears.. then just save them safely. later wen a person who cums 2 u with happiness, then just compare the saved tears and present happiness. If happiness overcomes your tears .... Then i am sure you have found your BEST FRIEND.
science haz proved that SugaR melts in water......so plzzzz...DONT walk in rain ..otherwize i wil lose such a sWEEt friend like U..!!
Please remind me 2 remind u about reminding me 2 send u this reminder that reminds me of reminding u that i am always ur friend. DONT 4GET!
A deep friend is like rainbow, when the perfect amount of happiness and tears r mixed, the result is a colorful bridge between hearts.
I am not u r first friend,m not last frnd,m not your best frnd but m sure m your ever lasting friend.trust me…
I must hav been born undr a lucky star, 2 find a frnd as nice as u r..I will follw the rainbw 2 d end, if u promis 2 remain my friend!
When things turn out bad and your strength is no longer enough to carry them. You must never give up, cause when your strength ends, my worth os your friend begins.
A true friend is like the best book, sometimes, the cover may not be so elegant but the contents are like bars of gold that you can treasure for a lifetime. Take care!
I need no jewels, they can b sold, Ur heart glitters better than gold. Pure is ur soul as a baby at birth & i need no heaven wen dear u r on earth..
I must have been born under a lucky star , to find a friend as nice as you are. I will follow the rainbow to the end , if you promise to remain my friend !!!
Friendship is a one way Road to be Travelled by to,with Hand in Hand,To care To share, To Forgive To Love & To Say Silently "I'm Always with u...