If A is 1,

If A is 1,
If A is 1, B is 2 & C is 3 then L+O+V+E is 54. F+R+I+E+N+D+S+H+I+P is 108. interesting na? Friendship is twice strong than love

Jan, 13 2012     127 chars (1 sms)     915 views       Friendship

more Friendship SMS Messages

To Xpress ur love U need feelings To Xplain feelings U need heart To Xpose ur heart U need a friend To Xclaim as a friend. 'Iam there always.
Painting is a feeling never spoil it. FACE is a book try to read it. FRIENDSHIP is like a mirror don't break it.
Last nyt in my dream :we climbd 2gthr 2 hvn,on d way i ws tired,u caried me on ur back,wen we reachd d gate,GOD cald me-'CuM my child' plz lev ur DONKEY outside
Heart never hate blood. Fish never hate water. Flower never hate honey. Earth never hate rain. My heart never hate U & U FRIENDSHIP!
One should try to make new friends everyday, without the company of friends life is barren, and has no meaning. One should learn the art of making friends, because at the end of the life we remember our friends.
Our friend$hip i$ ju$t like WATER no colour no $hape no place no ta$te But i$ $till e$$ential for living So have it forever.
Staying far never breaks relation, staying near never builds relation. Its a link between hearts, which never allows us to Forget each other!!
When God gave us friends he tried to be fair. But when I got you I got more than my share
Among ur milion frends let me be 1 To share a smileTo fight with UTo walk with uTo cry with uJust to be with u forever as ur sweet friend..
A smile is a way of writing ur thoughts on ur face, telling others that they are accepted, liked & appreciated. So, here's a big smile just for U
Life is 4 living, I Live 4 U. Songs r 4 singing, I Sing 4 U. Love is 4 caring, I Care 4 U. Angels r 4 keeping, Can I keep U…?
If i could give u gift, my friend i would give u the gift 2 c urself as others c u. So u could know that how special and nice u r.