Friendship is a one

Friendship is a one
Friendship is a one way Road to be Travelled by Two with Hand in Hand To Care To Share, To Forgive, To Love and To say Silently- " I'M ALWAYS WITH U''

Jan, 12 2012     150 chars (1 sms)     830 views       Friendship

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Each Day I Meet Sum1 New,But Never Find Another u,The World Is Full Of People Its True,Yet No one Ever Equals a friend Like U.
Anyone can make u smile and,anyone can make u cry, but it takes a special person to make you smile with tears in your eyes.... A FRIEND ONLY
some people says 4 life money is important;some says wealth is important,some says beauty is important.but we say 4 life only &only a good friend is important………just like u,
Friends r angels that come from above.sent by god 4 me 2 wen u r lonely sad n blue remember ill be there for u! ,...
True friendship is like sound health; the value of it is seldom known until it be lost.
"Dont be a frnd only with those who make u happy... Be a frnd with someone who cannot be happy without u.."See the difference..
I prayed for you before we met, not knowing who you d be. i asked the lord to send a friend. one chosen just for me.
As long as we have memories, yesterday remains, as long as we have hope, tomorrow awaits, as long as we have f'shp each day is nvr a waste.
A friend gives LOVE..A gud friend gives PROTECTION..A best friend gives LIFE..But a Real friend gives HEART..LoVe YoU aLL mY FrenZ!
No gold or precious stones ... give us happiness & peace, friendship & its warmth ... will bring it 2 us ,
Walking alone is not very difficult … but it is hard when you are coming back alone after a long time of walking, talking and laughing with someone!
Make your life a house your heart can live in. With a door that is open to receive friends. And a garden full of memories.... of many good things